The stock market is an investment vehicle that has existed since the 1800s. Businesses around the world issue large amounts of shares to the general public for various reasons, mainly to raise funds for expansion of their company. Stock exchanges…
Read MoreEveryone wants to multiple their money as soon as possible. There are mainly some limited options available in the market i.e. Fixed Deposit, Property and Stock Market to invest and earn returns on it. Bank Fixed Deposit, Corporate Fixed Deposit,…
Read MoreBlock Deals: In block deals minimum transaction quantity of shares 5 lakhs or minimum price should be Rs.5 crore. this type of deals always happened between two parties when both parties agree to buy or sell share at an agreed…
Read MoreA lots of people don't know that mutual funds have a cut-off time. cut-off time will not restrict to investor to buy or sell mutual funds in particular times. anyone can buy or sell mutual fund in any working day…
Read MoreA mutual funds is a group of investments of investors money in stocks share market, securities funds, bonds etc. Mutual funds always managed by professional fund manager who has deeply watch on market situations and always try to give the…
Read MoreA mutual fund collects money from investors and invests the money behalf of investors in shares and stocks markets. Mutual fund charges a little fee for managing the money. Let's try to explain mutual fund in a very easy way.…
Read MoreAn IPO stands for Initial Public Offerings. A company may bring capital up in the equity market by way of IPO, rights issue or private situation. An IPO is the offering of securities to general society in the equity market.…
Read MoreWhat is bull and bear market? Positively trending markets are characterized by the market. A market constantly going up over some periods of time and a people think and assume that stocks price will rise and start putting money into…
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